The Assurance of Salvation (1)

  • A serious mistake often made by earnest Christians is to confuse the ministry of the Holy Spirit with religious feelings* It is correct to say that salvation may produce an emotional feeling of assurance, but it is not correct to look upon such feelings as an authoritative standard. The teaching of the Bible is very clear on this point. The authority or the basis for the assurance of salvation does not lie within us but outside of us. It resides in the Word of God.
  • In Romans 8:16 we are told, "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." This is a great truth. However, the verse does not tell us how this is brought about. Many Christians have jumped to the conclusion that it is done by the Holy Spirit creating a certain feeling. This is not true.
  • How the Holy Spirit witnesses to us that we are the children of God is explained in
    I John 5:9-13.