The Reality and Practicality of Divine Intervention (1)

  • The Bible records a most wonderful and unusual story — God took the initiative and came seeking man!
  • If God had not chosen to come to man — the human race would not know God or even know about Him. We would have been left with only a profound sense of guilt, alienation, fear and an indescribable loneliness.
  • But God did come in the person of Jesus Christ. He came as the Way, the Truth, and the Life to give us the Light of Life. Through believing on Him we receive eternal life, pardon, righteousness and the rights and privileges of adoption into God's family.
  • The story is not over with salvation. The Christian can live in fellowship with God. In this walk with God there is the promise that He will intervene in our daily affairs to protect, strengthen, bless, guide, sanctify, supply our needs and to use us.
  • The Bible records incidents of this divine intervention. By use of the conjunction, "But" we are shown the reality and practicality of God's promise. A rather complete list of these verses may be found in the book But God, by Raymond Edman (Zondervan).